What are my Rights as a Participant?

As a participant in a clinical study, you have some guaranteed rights ensuring that you will be treated with respect and dignity and, overall, in a way that is line with ethics regulations. Although explanations regarding these rights are provided in more detail during the written consent process, the following list will give you an idea about some of your fundamental rights.

As a participant in a study, you have the right:

  • To be treated with respect
  • To be aware of the risks related to the study
  • To withdraw from the study without consequences
  • To make your decision without feeling any pressure by the scientific personnel
  • To be aware of the name, the credentials and the contact details of the Scientific Supervisor
  • To be aware of the aim of the study
  • To be aware of who will have access to your information
  • To be aware of the procedures that may be implemented and which drugs may be used
  • To ask additional assistance or clarifications during the process of your written consent, or at any time during the study